Technical Program


Conference Schedule

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Oral Presentation


The name appeared in the following program is the first author of each paper. Notifications on presenter is recorded by the organization committee and they are used to check the registration status of each paper.

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Poster Presentation


The name appeared in the following program is the first author of each paper. Notifications on presenter is recorded by the organization committee and they are used to check the registration status of each paper.

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Cancel List

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Plenary Session

  1. Advances in reactor physics and computational science
  • Kord Smith, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
  1. Status of Nuclear Power in Japan
  • Akira Yamaguchi, Professor, Osaka University (Japan)
  1. Topics on Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning
  • Jun Matsumoto, Tokyo Electric Power Company (Japan)
  1. Advances in nuclear data
  • Robin Forrest, Section Head of Nuclear Data Section, International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria)

Special Sessions

  1. Molten Salt Reactors
  • Prof. I. Pazsit (Chalmers Univ., Sweden)
  1. Reactor Physics and Criticality Safety Activities in OECD/NEA Working Party
  • Dr. M. DeHart (INL, US)
  1. Hybrid Particle Transport Methods for Solving Complex Problems in Real-time
  • Prof. A. Haghighat (Virginia Tech., US) (with Prof. F. Rahnema)
  1. Advanced Geometry Processing in Deterministic and Monte Carlo Methods
  • Prof. H. J. Shim (SNU, Korea)
  1. Multiscale, Multiphysics Approaches in Nuclear Science and Engineering Applications
  • Dr. R. C. Martineau and Dr. M. DeHart (INL, US)
  1. Nuclear Criticality Safety of Fuel Debris
  • Prof. N. Takaki (Tokyo City Univ. Japan)
  1. Control Rod Withdrawal Tests Performed During the PHENIX End-of-Life Experiments
  • Dr. S. Monti (IAEA)
  1. Reactor Physics of Non-Traditional LWR Fuel Design
  • Prof. B. Petrovic (Georgia Tech., US)

Technical Tracks

Full papers to be submitted to one of the following 15 tracks:

1. Reactor Analysis Methods

Lattice physics, core analysis, resonance calculation, homogenization, pin power reconstruction, burnup calculation, in-core fuel management and optimization, large scale/high-performance computing, full-core transport analysis, multigroup cross-section generation.

2. Deterministic Transport Theory

Numerical methods, acceleration methods, hybrid methods, high-performance computing for deterministic transport, analytical/numerical transport benchmarks, unstructured grids, stochastic media, charged particle transport.

3. Monte Carlo Methods

Convergence acceleration, burnup analysis, propagation of uncertainty, perturbation calculations, general MC methods, reactor analysis/design applications, variance reduction, code development, modeling LWRs, Hybrid MC methods.

4. Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Analysis

Numerical methods and tool developments for S/U analysis, Uncertainty quantification, benchmark analysis, nuclear data adjustment/assimilation.

5. Nuclear Criticality Safety

Burnup credit, nuclear criticality safety benchmarks, verification and validation in criticality safety, spent fuel disposition, spent fuel issues, criticality accident analysis, code development, criticality safety standards, operational practice

6. Reactor Physics Experiments

Integral experiments and analysis, subcriticality measurement and analysis, reactor physics benchmarks and databases.

7. Reactor Concepts and Designs

Design and analyses of LWRs, HWRs, FRs, GCRs, MSRs and others; small modular reactors, advanced designs, status of the advanced reactor programs.

8. Reactor Operation and Safety

Core monitoring, increasing heat resistance, accident tolerant fuel concepts and designs, process heat, hydrogen generation issues, co-generation.

9. Transient and Safety Analysis

Transient analysis methods, multi-physics reactor simulations, reactor physics of spent fuel storage, developments in probabilistic safety assessments, severe accident analysis, safety culture issues.

10. Nuclear Data

Nuclear data measurements, cross section evaluations and libraries, covariance data, testing and validation, status and current nuclear data needs.

11. Research Reactors and Spallation Sources

Research reactor applications, conversion to LEU, recent design features, reactor physics tests and experiments, medium and high flux research reactors, international collaborations.

12. Fuel Cycle and Actinide Management

Advances and developments in use of MOX, Pu management, Th cycles, transuranics and FP management, reactor physics of advanced fuel, hybrid systems, resource management, safeguards.

13. Radiation Applications and Nuclear Safeguards

Radiation protection, advances and methods in radiation physics, radiation measurement and dosimetry, nuclear techniques for non-proliferation nuclear forensics, radiation detection methods, inverse physics methods for Pu detection, hybrid methods for real-time monitoring

14. Education in Reactor Physics

Course development, teaching approaches, role of laboratories and experimental facilities, industry and research perspectives, collaborative efforts of industry and research in education, simulator development for education, staffing needs.


Technical Tours